Overview: IMR 4064 Powder 8 Lbs
We are proud to offer IMR 4064 Powder for sale in stock now. IMR 4064 Powder is a Standard powder with a medium burn rate. IMR Reloading 4064 Smokeless Powder is a good all-around powder for a wide variety of rifle loads. Many reloaders prefer it for .223 Remington, .22-250 Remington, 220 Swift, and .243 Winchester Super Short Magnum. IMR Reloading 4064 Smokeless Powder is also a great choice for larger calibers such as .308 Winchester, and .338 Winchester Magnum. IMR Reloading 4064 Smokeless Powder is a medium burn rate powder that is known for its exceptional accuracy and uniform sizing.
IMR Reloading 4064 Smokeless Powder is a wonderful choice for a wide range of medium to large calibers, and it is also available in bulk. From the.22-250 and 6mm Remington all the way up to the.338 Win Mag, there’s something for everyone. A center of the spectrum burn rate, IMR 4064 Powder for sale will provide you with great accuracy as well as a consistent cut that is simple to meter and measure.
Specifications and Features:
- Medium burn rate
- .243, 6mm up to .308 or .338 Win Mag
- Easy to meter and a uniform cutRelated Products
Blake From Oklahoma –
My .270 Win loves thi stuff!!
My Ruger American in 270 Win shoots several different brands of 130gr. bullets very accurately with this powder. The faster you push them the better it gets. The best combo has been 130gr SST’s, Win brass, CCI 200’s and 48.6gr of IMR 4064. Bullets are crimped in the cannelure using the Lee Factory Crimp Die. 5 shot groups covered by a nickle.
Gunner From Dallas TX –
This power performs well
I am very satisfied with the performance of this powder. Worked up a load for my 308 and found it performs the same as Varget for me.
Greg From Upstate NY –
A Classic
Have used this for over 30 years. I won’t tell you what I paid for it back then. This has always been one of the best performers in every gun I have ever loaded it for. In the Creedmoor try 36 grains of 4064 under a 143gr ELD-X. in 243 Win try 34.6 under a 100gr Hdy Interlock. I get one hole groups with both those loads.
Kyle From NM –
Yes I recommend
This is my go to powder from .223 to 30-06. Its my most accurate for my 223 load too…22 grains of this behind a 62gr fmjbt going about 2750 fps getting sub moa at 100 yards out of a 20″ 1/9 twist barrel.